Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Hello again!

So two months of silence, I am back! October was a busy month with exams and my introductory chapter submissions, and then all of November I was in Europe :) It was super great over there, I ate too much, walked everywhere and can now say that I've travelled by myself (and really enjoyed it).

Overall, my skin was surprisingly better behaved than I thought it would be. While it didn't magically heal like when I went to Japan, it was a somewhat calmer version of what it's like at home. My face was horribly rashy after my flights though, even though I moisturised on the plane (total flight time of 21 hours from Melbourne to Paris, this is what I get for living on a far away island). However, after the week or so it took to completely calm down, it was alright, only flaring when I had alcohol too many days in a row (sangria, I love you). Although, the skin on my legs did start to get a bit cranky even though I don't usually get eczema there (except very occasionally behind the knees). They started becoming dry, red and itchy, probably due to the linen in the places where I was staying. However, they healed up fine and are back to normal now, so no long term woes. Now that I'm back home, my face isn't bad either, probably as I'm on holidays and perhaps due to some new products I'm using? I'll do an update later today :)

Hope everyone's doing well during this Christmas period!

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